Este festival se centra en proyectos filmados en un solo lugar, incluso si han simulado diferentes locaciones en ese mismo sitio. Sabemos que no es fácil lograrlo, por eso nuestros jueces solo elegirán los conceptos más interesantes.
This festival is dedicated exclusively to projects filmed in a single location, even if they have simulated different locations within the same place. We know this isn't easy to achieve, which is why our judges will only select the most intriguing concepts.
This festival is dedicated exclusively to projects filmed in a single location, even if they have simulated different locations within the same place. We know this isn't easy to achieve, which is why our judges will only select the most intriguing concepts.
Este festival se lleva a cabo bajo la supervisión de TFC Institute, y es en sus instalaciones donde tiene lugar el evento. El objetivo de este evento es mostrar, inspirar y entretener a la comunidad con proyectos cinematográficos de alta calidad.
This festival is conducted under the supervision of TFC Institute, and it is within its premises that the event takes place. The event aims to showcase, inspire, and entertain the community with high-quality cinematic projects.
This festival is conducted under the supervision of TFC Institute, and it is within its premises that the event takes place. The event aims to showcase, inspire, and entertain the community with high-quality cinematic projects.
Si deseas obtener más información y te gustaría inscribir tu proyecto, haz clic abajo.
If you want more information and would like to enroll your project, click below.
If you want more information and would like to enroll your project, click below.